Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All is Well in New Zealand

All is Well in New Zealand
Christchurch is not the same city we visited only 6 days ago. After a tour to a cheese factory, a bee/honey shop, a winery, and several New Zealand National Parks fronting the Pacific Ocean, we came home to the news of Christchurch’s massive, destructive earthquake. Christchurch is about 1-1/2 hours from Karen &Bob’s house by plane, or 10 hours by car plus a ferry transit to the North Island.
We’re now on our way to a resort, Taupo, all safe and sound in our 10-passenger van. Taupo is about 4 hours away from Auckland in the interior valley About noon time we arrived at the underground ”glow worm” limestone caves. A walk through staligtites and staligmites brought us to the river cave entrance where we boarded a boat to take us through the dark, silent, glow worm cave where all we could hear were the drops of water seeping from above ground on its way to the underground river.
BMK Travelers


  1. I'm so glad you all where not in the earthquake!!!! Thanks for the update I was worried. The cave sounds marvelous and your adventures still impress.
    Weather beautiful here but cold, will check tomorrow and see if you posted again.

  2. Happy to hear you are OK!! Have been thinking about you with the earthquake news and all!!
