No Luck Today
Our first on-board Blackjack Tournament started today. No luck. Shirley qualified to participate in the finals; Jerry, Shawn, Dennis & Leila didn’t even get close. Dennis went off to play on the computerized Texas-Hold um table. He thought he had a great hand and went , “all-in” with two Aces and two 10’s only to be beat by a full house. Oops, $84 down. When the Blackjack finals came around, Shirley busted on her first 2 hands and when she finally had a little luck getting a 21, so did the dealer. Not to be discouraged, it’s just the first Casino day at sea.
On our second day at sea we arrived at the Casino to qualify for the Roulette Tournament only to find it had been cancelled. Still no luck.
Tomorrow the ship will arrive at the Bay of Isles, New Zealand.
We will be looking for the rare "living fossil" found on the south island. It is a lizard called the Tuatara and it has a functional 3rd eye. The genus and species name is sphenodon punctatus....a fascinating creature that has survived over 300 million years.
Let the search begin.
Six BMK Travelers
Mom and Dad, Shirley and Jerry, Leila and Dennis! We are so worried... please post a blog as soon as you able so that we know you are all ok. We have word in the states about the earthquake in New Zealand and we are all very concerned for your safety.